Engage with the right lead at the right time

Lead machine and behavioral targeting solution for B2B sales.

Set up your smart lead machine in 3 clicks

Define your target personas, connect with your current database, cherry-pick your sample clients, and let Leadbay extrapolate to find lookalikes.

Bootstrap Themes

Discover highly qualified leads every week

Select and connect with new leads every week from your ecosystem. Our AI will carefully send you suggestions based on your traffic and likelihood prediction from your lead machine.

Bootstrap Themes

Close the right lead, at the right time with our AI system

Set your scoring criteria and let our AI system collect signals from lead events and behaviors that will help you contact the right lead at the right time.

Bootstrap Themes

Last sales-perf tool you'll ever need

We are rolling out early-adopter access in batches. Sign-up to get your place in line. We'll be in touch soon.